britemp email
Email: Retail Store

Retail Email: The British Emporium

Designed, written, and managed the monthly emails for Texas' most popular and successful British speciality store for over ten years and still going.

I also designed and manage their website, and handle special marketing for annual events which have received national and international press coverage.

Online Marketing I've developed websites since 1996, starting with the original site for the CompUSA computer store chain. I have created scores of sites, emails, SEO analysis, online ads, and more. These are just a few.
eie site
Website: National Non Profit
Another long-term client, Donna Rice Hughes raises funds for her "Enough is Enough" internet safety non-profit through three content-rich websites I designed and maintain.
carmel mobile
Mobile Website: Car Wash

Carmel Car Wash Website

Visit this carwash chain website on a regular computer and you will see a typically-busy Wordpress-based retail website. Animations , homepage background video, and bright colors keep the energy level high.

But visit the same site on a mobile phone and you will be looking at an app-like experience with a separate and unique set of content focussed on the mobile user's particular needs. The site even encourages the visitor to save it to their home screen, at which point it becomes virtually indistinguishable from a native app. Try it!

SEO and Analytics

SEO and Website Analytics

Every website I design is designed to the best practices of the moment, from mobile-friendly (or mobile-first) to proper keyword and content practice to structural issues.

And for select clients, I perform lengthy analytic audits and analysis on a regular basis, compiled into reports which are handed to the clients. I've done this for banks, doctors, national non-profits like Donna Rice Hughes' Enough is Enough (pictured at left) and others.

Website: Dental Surgeon
A highly scaleable website which "folds up" on mobile devices. I also manage the doctor's his local listings presence and core reputation management functions.
robinson site
Website: Cosmetic Surgeon
Developed using my Eklipse CMS which is simpler to update than Wordpress, this New York City doctor has been a client for over a decade.
Website: Job placement firm
Haston-Williams is a boutique search firm for CFO-level clients. They use my Eklipse content management system to keep the site updated quickly.
tchr email
Consumer Email: Hair Clinic
One of a series of eblasts aimed at new and existing patients of a North Texas clinic

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